Dear Friends and Family of Emmanuel,
In 1963 when I first arrived to the Hill where Emmanuel now stands, the problem was obvious. I saw many children hungry, on the streets trying to fend for themselves. Children who were abandoned alone trying to survive.
God’s call on my life was clear. I knew I needed to care for the children. With the help and support of God loving compassionate people, Hogar de Niños Emmanuel rose up on this hill as a light and refuge to hundreds of children. With great humbleness I can say, Hogar de Niños is still a light and refuge to children in need after more than 50 years of service.

Many things have changed since 50 years ago, modernity and advances in technology seem to have changed the world around me. But the need to show God’s love and compassion to children who are vulnerable and in need is the same. And like 50 years ago we continue to depend on God loving compassionate people to join us and restore children in Juarez.
Each year the Lord uses YOU, our friends and supporters to provide food and shelter, education and medical care. But most importantly you provide love, prayers, inspiration and hope to our children.
Your financial support is literally love in action as we are able to provide a place of refuge in God’s love. It takes a lot each month to provider everything needed for our household of over 80 children. We provide groceries our little ones eat each day. A warm bed under a safe roof where our little ones sleep and live each day. ey receive hands-on care by God-loving caregivers, cooks, teachers and mentors making sure our children’s needs are met. Our children receive God’s love and compassion. Our children’s lives and futures are changed thanks to YOU.
Our children’s care depends on your donations. Emmanuel depends on your donations.
We want to invite you to become a monthly donor for the year of 2017. We are blessed with sponsorships and recurring monthly donors that contribute 56% of our monthly needs, and we are so grateful. But we have a monthly shortage that makes it difficult to provide the stability our children need most.
During the year we face hard financial times as each month the shortage of funds accumulate. We have all our trust in the Lord and His provision. Just this past October we had to really cling to the Lord as for weeks we were unable to cover the salaries of our leadership and we owed the government months of backed up taxes.
We just did not have the money to pay. These were difficult weeks where we had to make cuts in our budget including having to lay off 10 people. A sad situation since there are now 10 less people providing care and service to our children. Our children are losing much benefit due to our shortage of funds. A very difficult process but necessary for the reality we faced. We were all in prayer asking the Lord to show us how to continue to care for his children. God’s love and faithfulness came through.
A beautiful brother found out about our financial struggle and was moved to help. He sent a donation that allowed us to pay all that was owed to our staff, the government taxes and the utilities of our building. We are so grateful to the Lord for this beautiful man and his family. So we know God is taking care of His children. We have proof that the Lord provides and we know that this time will be no exception. We know God can provide what we need each month. YOUR SUPPORT is the way God shows us His provision and love. We are so grateful for YOU.
We know we come to you often with need of support, but that is how the Lord has called us to sustain this ministry for the children we serve. We have no other way to produce the finances we need for the daily needs of our children. We don’t sell anything; we don’t manufacture anything tangible that we can give in exchange for funds. We take care of children in need.
We can only care for our children with the love and support of people like YOU. We, like YOU desire to change lives and restore futures in God’s love and compassion. Your financial support translates into care for the children and we thank YOU!
We thank you for your many years of partnering with us and helping us build a refuge for the children of Juarez. Please continue to partner with us as we care and show God’s love and compassion. Please become a monthly recurring donor for 2017 and help us reach our goal of being fully funded to cover all the children’s needs.
- Pray for us for God’s provision.
- Become a recurring monthly donor for 2017.
- Become a sponsor for one of our beautiful children for $45 a month
- Consider giving an end of year donation.
- Share about Emmanuel with your loved ones and friends and invite them to partner with us.
In December we usually send Christmas letters. This may not sound like a Christmas letter but it is. It is a letter about God’s love, it is a letter about His love for His children, it is a letter about Your love for God and His children. It is a letter about giving. We pray that during this season of giving, God gives you all you need. We pray you have a blessed Christmas season enjoying God’s love with your family and friends. And we pray you continue to partner with us healing and restoring children’s lives and futures.
In Jesus’s Love and at His service,
Josue Lopez
Emmanuel Ministries
P.S. Your support has changed lives for over 50 years. Hundreds of children have received your love throughout these 50 years and we thank YOU. Join us as we continue changing more children’s lives. Please consider becoming a recurring monthly donor for 2017. No amount is too small.
P.P.S. Please consider giving an end of year donation to help us cover the monthly shortage for 2017.